Mike Larsen
contemporary american artist, history keeper, storyteller
All paintings are currently unframed. All paintings are arcrylic. We have found that most collectors like to frame paintings themselves; however, we will be happy to arrange framing for an additional charge. This usually takes two to three weeks. Shipping is also an additional charge.
Our sales policy is as follows: We use Square Invoice via email. You will receive an invoice from Square with a link to their secure server where you can pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay or G Pay. Simply email us to let us know your desire to purchase and we'll start the process. Upon receipt of payment confirmation from Square, we will arrange shipment.
Coming Home 30x40 $10,500.00
Jesus is Found at the Temple 36x24
The Handsomest People There Is
48x24 $10,500.00
Day of the Raven 24x18 $5,400.00